Come Celebrate! How we all affect one another.


Today marks my quarter-anniversary, or third month, of blogging! And the first time I’ve broken the fourth wall to acknowledge all of you out there who have touched bases with me along the way.

To be honest, blogging still makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Something about reading those posts where the author acknowledges the lethally addictive stats page, commiserates about small followings, or apologizes for the “recent radio silence” makes me squirm in distaste. As if blogs should be more professional than that, above the mention of themselves.

I’m in some kind of half-committed Twilight Zone where I’m always wanting to update my About page to include my real name or picture — partly because I want to stop being confused for a man by my readers, and partly because accountability is a strong value of mine. On the other hand, I enjoy a healthy aura of mystery — something this world needs more of — and, as I told A Opinionated Man in a comment, I hope to one day to write muy controversial perspectives that I wouldn’t want affecting my employment/relationship options.

I haven’t yet the gall or the life experience to write such things.

My friends and family, as of yet, rest unaware of my little corner on WordPress. From this, I have discovered two corollaries:

  1. I wish I could discuss the things I’ve discovered here with in everyday conversation

  2. I’m amazed to have connected with so many people I’ve never met, but learned lots about

85 genuine humans clicked my little blue button, and many more contributed along the way. With all you’s of Past, Present, and Future, I would like to share my philosophy on WordPress: I think everyone loves to receive gratification for their work. But, beyond that, everyone who is on here is looking to connect, in some way, at some time. And I’m not afraid to be that person– the one who leaves the super enthusiastic or slightly-quirky-umm-okay comments in response to your work.

I don’t know why, but it seems I have no pride when it comes to “seeming desperate,” as we say, when interacting. Admittedly, this has proved somewhat perilous in real-world relationships. But I’m not worried about it because, in the end, I just keep darn hoping someone will do the same for me. I comment whatever first comes to mind, or I take a long while to reflect and formulate a thoughtful, creative response, if I like. In the end, I think providing a genuine response to someone’s thoughts, work, or art is the highest compliment.

Come celebrate, life is hard
All life is all we are

“Life is Hard”-Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes

I’ve come to realise lately how immensely our lives are shaped by those around us, and this has brought me to a humbled level of gratitude. It’s amazing how I become, in essence, a collection of the parts of those who touch me. For example, turns out I’m actually singing aloud the lyrics to “Life is Hard” as I write this, a song by a band my friend told me about a year ago. It seems to suit the topic. I didn’t know how much I’d come to love their music!

So here’s to you– come celebrate how we live, together. Here’s how my life has been changed because of blogging:

Through TJ Wayne over at A Joyful Process, I discovered the song “Dancing on the Floor” by Third World, a Jamaican reggae band from the 70s. First time I listened, I wasn’t so sure…second time, it had me up and dancing. Third time saw me strolling around the neighbourhood, barefoot under the glorious sun. It went on shameless repeat. It’s a permanent resident of my music library now.

Through happenstance, fate, and a wonderful string of lyrical responses to Elan Mudrow’s poem, “Unlocked,” I was lead to Walt Whitman’s poem, “I Sing the Body Electric.” I had a rather unfavourable bias towards Whitman, instilled by certain a boring high school english teacher, which left me to dismiss him as just another old caucasian male poet. However, this poem struck me hard and brought me out of a dark place. I’ve got the poem printed out for reading in the wee hours. Powerful things happen under Elan’s pen– your blog is like a canvas that unites brilliant forms of old and new.

Thanks to InMyBackyard from Anyone Can Run an Ultra (and other lies I tell myself), I treated myself to Dairy Queen’s “pecan mudslide,” a top-secret menu item, reserved only for those true ice cream aficionados…

From reading “Daisy in the Willows,” I get such an incredible sense of the personal strength that is possible in this world. Daisy is an amazing and generous woman with a strong voice– one you can hear surrounding you and dancing as you read.

Another well-savoured WP dessert development– this charming post from “My Routine Maintenance” gave me the push I needed to make my own blueberry pie with the kilogram of fresh blueberries in my fridge. Their lifestyle philosophy is one that I totally endorse and admire, and has definitely inspired many of the adventures I’ve blogged about.

I initially intended this blog to be more about seizing the climbing lifestyle I’d always dreamed of. This dream involved eventually creating/publishing at a great online hub for the climbing community. Since the creation of this blog, I’ve had the fortune to connect with Erin Monahan, founder of Terra Incognita Media, and Alison of Weigh My Rack, two amazing women at two up-and-coming online climbing hubs that I’m thrilled to see emerging. I’m so glad to have connected with these wicked cool initiatives, despite my current physical setbacks.

In terms of inspiration for my own writing and self in the future, here are some women I look up to….

  1. In Gigi from Rethinking Life, I see the true beauty of experience and reflection. Her writing is intelligent and refreshing, a pleasure to look forward to, and an inspiration.
  2. I recently connected with A Momma’s View, who writes all about the lifestyle she has built for herself and her family. There is something about her writing that has such a simple flow yet encompasses perfectly the genuine, compassionate, and lovely person that she is. I think she’s found her perfect style.
  3. I want to give a shout-out to Hazel Hillboro, whose writing I am always thrilled to find in my Reader. Her strong sense of humour and compassion make my day, and I admire both her writing style, her perseverance, and her outlook on life.

And, of course, a shout-out to my fellow WP climbing bloggers, highlighted here.

Let’s celebrate the strange little enrichments of human connection we find here. We become part of each others’ lives, just as we must choose how to live together.






16 thoughts on “Come Celebrate! How we all affect one another.

  1. What a wonderful post Trin, the first I’ve read from you but I’m sure it won’t be the last. 🙂 You’re so right, WP is a special community and only like-minded bloggers can really understand the connections that are formed here. Happy blogging days ahead.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Miriam. I’m glad you found me here. I love watching new connections grow on new blogs, and reading the long strings of readers’ responses on older ones. You can really see how those connections evolve, and how the blogger’s voice does, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder if this will spike pecan mudslide fame to high enough levels to bring it back to the menu…and then I wonder if it would taste as good if it weren’t a secret…Congrats on three months of blogging! It is a funny little thing to put ideas out into the black hole of the internet and to see that true connection can come from it. I love that community can grow from words on an online screen!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha, woops, most things do taste better as secrets! However, this one is too good to keep…Thanks for the congrats! It’s been an interesting experience, for sure, and I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of positive support I see happening daily across the blogospheres. It’s pretty cool.


  3. Reblogged this on and commented:
    This was a great focus post and an awesome way of thanking those in our community! Congrats on your first three months of blogging!
    Note: Comments disabled here. Please visit their blog.

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